Final Faculty Senate meeting of school year is May 4 

All Vanderbilt faculty are invited to attend the final Faculty Senate meeting of this academic year, scheduled for Thursday, May 4, from 4:10 to 5:30 p.m. Voting members (elected senators and deans) are expected to attend in person, and the meeting will be on the second floor of the Faculty Commons Building at 1101 19th Ave. S.      

A physical quorum is required for voting. All faculty and guests of the senate are welcome to attend in person. Nonvoting members are invited to join virtually by registering here: Faculty Senate Meeting Registration (listen only).   

Topics planned for the meeting include reports from the Senate Affairs and Faculty Manual committees, as well as remarks from Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Professional Education Tracey George and Senate leadership elections. 

There will be a reception after the final meeting, 5:30-6:30 p.m., with light appetizers and beverages. Please stay to celebrate the end of the academic year.     

The Faculty Senate is the representative and deliberative body of the faculties. Centrally involved in the governance of the university, it is made up of elected members, deans of the colleges and schools and ex officio members, including the chancellor.     

In addition to the May 4 meeting, the Faculty Senate invites faculty to participate in the following spring 2023 activities:     

Learn more about the Faculty Senate and your senator by visiting