Quick Facts website updated; new Re:VU card available

Vanderbilt’s official public source for general university facts and figures—including enrollment, employment, financial, research and academic data, as well as national rankings and much more—is the Quick Facts website. The site, which has been fully updated for 2023, is now live. 

For many years the university published the Re:VU brochure, a 12-page companion to the Quick Facts data. This year, the university has replaced the brochure with a printed Re:VU card that features a QR code linked to the full set of data found on the Quick Facts website. The double-sided card measures 9 by 6 inches and may be used in much the same way as the former brochure. It’s a quick, easy and tactile way to share the university’s vital statistics with anyone who would benefit from the information. 

Any member of the Vanderbilt community with a VUnetID may request free copies of the Re:VU card via Vanderbilt Printing Services’ digital storefront. Cards will be printed on demand once per week and distributed through campus mail. Requests for the card can only be fulfilled using campus mail, so be sure your departmental address is accurate when placing an order. 

Front of the new Re:VU card, which features the new QR code. (Vanderbilt University)
Back of the new Re:VU card, which features university statistics. (Vanderbilt University)