Limited Submission Opportunity: 2023 Incyte Ingenuity Awards in Graft Versus Host Disease

Applications due April 11

These instructions are for VU investigators. VUMC investigators should visit the OOR funding opportunity site.

Vanderbilt University may submit one application to the 2023 Incyte Ingenuity Awards in graft versus host disease (GVHD).

GVHD is a life-threatening condition that occurs when donor immune cells attack the recipient’s organs and tissues after an allogeneic stem cell transplant. Incyte is deeply dedicated to improving the lives of patients with serious diseases, including GVHD. As part of this commitment, the company has announced the Incyte Ingenuity Awards in GVHD to continue to foster collaboration among key stakeholders to address the specific needs of the GVHD community.

These awards aim to support the GVHD community by funding two novel initiatives that address challenges faced by GVHD patients, caregivers and health care providers. Incyte is currently offering two one-year awards, one for an initiative up to $35,000 and another for an initiative up to $100,000. Programs cannot include indirect costs in the proposed budget.

When applying for this award, Incyte encourages eligible applicants to partner and collaborate with patient groups, professional societies and patient advocates within the community.


  • Programs must be independent of any ongoing activities, with the exception of considerably expanding an existing program.
  • Health care providers and mid-level/junior faculty of health care organizations are eligible to submit. However, applications must be submitted in the name of an institution, not on behalf of an individual.

Applications will be disqualified if:

  • Focus is on a particular therapeutic agent, translational research or clinical research that is interventional in nature.
  • Defined scope does not serve or plan to address a specific need of the GVHD community.

See the program website and FAQs for more details.

Internal Application Process

Interested faculty should visit to apply for the internal LSO competition and to find additional information about the opportunity. The deadline for the internal competition is April 11, 2023.

Any questions about this opportunity may be directed to