New NIH data policy impacts some researchers

Researchers can learn more about new data management and sharing rules that will affect all National Institutes of Health research grant proposals beginning Jan. 25, 2023, through Vanderbilt’s Research Integrity and Compliance program website.

The new data policy, which applies only to NIH research grants, requires proposals to include a written data plan to ensure preservation and sharing of project data according to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) principles.

Vanderbilt’s NIH Data Management and Sharing Plans webpage explains the new rules and offers researchers guidance on how to effectively implement the data policy within their research proposals. Research Integrity and Compliance is also collaborating with individual schools to provide live events to discuss the rule changes and answer researcher questions.

As part of the new policy, NIH will allow grant proposals to include the cost for implementing a project’s data plan, such as paying storage fees for digital repositories and personnel time for data management.

For more information about the new rules or other research compliance information, reach out to Liane Moneta-Koehler, assistant provost for research integrity and compliance. You also may email or visit the Research Integrity and Compliance program website.

Research administrators also may contact Sponsored Programs Administration if they have questions about this requirement, or if they need assistance with other sponsor policies that impact proposals and awards, contact