Research News

Limited Submission Opportunity: National Comprehensive Cancer Network Foundation 2023 Young Investigator Award

Applications due Nov. 14

This is a joint competition for VU and VUMC investigators. All investigators should follow these instructions.

Vanderbilt (VU and VUMC, collaboratively) may nominate one candidate for the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Foundation Young Investigator Award (YIA) for 2023. These awards provide $150,000 over a two-year period for promising young investigators across a broad range of oncology specialties and areas of interest. In addition to the $150,000 award, awardees will be provided $575 for travel to attend the 2025 NCCN Annual Conference.

The foundation invites proposals from early investigators with innovative ideas and an interest in improving the quality, effectiveness, equity and accessibility of care provided to cancer patients. A primary focus of the award is to identify and fund top investigators in the early stages of their careers interested in participating and contributing to cancer research.

The NCCN Foundation expects to fund four to seven YIA awards this year. A hallmark of NCCN’s programs has been strong attention to excellent data collection, analysis and outcomes measures. Successful YIA proposal submissions will be expected to bring this same high level of rigor to their research and clinical practice programs.

Use the links below to review the:


  • The award is open to physicians, scientists, nurses and others working in an oncology laboratory, clinical research or clinical setting, or cancer control program.
  • Candidates must be in their first full-time appointment at Vanderbilt as assistant professor, instructor or equivalent level and must remain in good standing for the duration of the award period.
  • Candidates must not have other funding that duplicates the focus and purpose of this award.
  • Candidates must have a medical degree (M.D., D.O.) or scientific degree (Ph.D.) or nursing degree (masters or above) or pharmacy degree (Pharm.D.); or the international equivalent to one of these.
  • Proposed project must be conducted at Vanderbilt.
  • Candidates must have a mentor in the proposed research field.
  • Institutional commitment to support the research project is required.

Proposal evaluation criteria

The YIA Proposal Review Committee will select recipients for YIAs based on the following criteria:

  • Scientific soundness
  • Study design
  • Feasibility
  • Statistics
  • Budget
  • Timeline – work must be finalized and final reporting submitted within the two-year grant period

Internal application process

Anyone interested in being considered as Vanderbilt’s nominee must submit the following documents (in PDF format) through the VICC Pilot Project and Multi-Tier Funding RFA Portal by 5 p.m. on Nov. 14, 2022. A link to the funding portal can also be found in the blue square located on the VICC Funding Opportunities webpage (

  1. Brief (1-2 page) research plan including summary budget;
  2. Brief statement of support from department chair/division chief;
  3. NIH Biosketch or 5-page CV.

Once received, all proposals will be forwarded to an internal review committee that will select the final nominee. The chosen nominee will submit a full proposal to the foundation by the Jan. 25, 2023, deadline.

If you have any questions, please contact Jenn Beiner at