VERA offers training resources for faculty

Sponsored Programs Administration, within the Office of the Vice Provost for Research, continues to support the Vanderbilt research community’s transition to the Vanderbilt Electronic Research Administration system through the VERA training pageFAQs page, the dissemination of training materials and regularly scheduled training sessions.

The following training guides and videos provide faculty with a quick introduction to using VERA, and the training sessions offer many opportunities for faculty to receive support from SPA staff. While there are faculty-specific training sessions, anyone who needs help with VERA is welcome to join the sessions listed below.

Additionally, the SPA training listserv is the quickest and easiest way to stay current on the latest support offered by SPA. If you would like to be added to the SPA training listserv to receive regular updates on events, please contact Laurel Duncan Biqiku, training and policy manager for SPA, at or by phone at 615-322-0344.

Faculty guides

SPA training sessions

VERA faculty training sessions: These faculty-specific trainings are held during the times listed below, and faculty may register for them in Oracle Learning.

VERA topic-specific training sessions: These trainings will cover specific topics as indicated by the name of the training.

VERA office hours

Scheduled Monday through Friday at 1 p.m., these informal office hours allow VERA users to ask questions and receive assistance with VERA.

SPA office hours

Scheduled on the third Wednesday of every month at 11 a.m., these informal office hours allow the research administrator community to receive broad support from Sponsored Programs Administration.

Research Finance, SPA and grants manager meetings

Scheduled on Thursday, Sept. 8, from 10 to 11 a.m., this meeting will allow research administrators to meet with both the Sponsored Programs and Research Finance offices to discuss a variety of aspects related to research administration on campus.