Research News

Limited Submission Opportunity: 2023 Macy Faculty Scholars Program

Applications due May 17

This is a joint competition for VU and VUMC investigators. All investigators should follow these instructions.

Vanderbilt (VU + VUMC, collaboratively) may nominate one candidate each from the School of Medicine and the School of Nursing for the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation’s Faculty Scholars Program. The goal of this career development award is to identify and nurture promising early career educators in medicine and nursing. While the program previously supported mid-career scholars, it now seeks to support more junior faculty who are committed to careers in health professions education.

This award typically provides up to $200,000 of salary support over two years (fringe benefits not included) to pursue a mentored education project, plus up to $50,000 over two years for project support and professional development. Other benefits include mentoring from the advisory committee and program alumni and participation in various Macy meetings, courses and programs. Indirect costs are not allowed.

The program aims to create an educational system that better meets the health and public health needs of the diverse individuals and communities throughout the country. Proposed educational projects should explore innovations in health professions education. The foundation has particular interest in innovative projects that involve learning environments in which clinical care is delivered. Within these clinical learning environments, the foundation is interested in projects that:

  • advance equity, diversity and belonging
  • enhance collaboration among health professionals, educators and learners
  • prepare future health professionals to navigate and address ethical dilemmas that arise when the principles of the health professions are in conflict with barriers imposed by the health delivery system

It is required that projects address one or more of the foundation’s above priority areas.


The eligible candidate must:

  • be a doctorally prepared faculty member of Vanderbilt’s School of Medicine or School of Nursing
  • have served approximately three to eight years as a full-time faculty member
  • have an institutional commitment for the protection of at least 50 percent effort for work as a scholar (see internal application process)
  • have identified a senior faculty member who will serve as a mentor and provide advice on the candidate’s project and career development
  • be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident
  • Projects must address one of the priority areas outlined above.

Internal application process

Anyone interested in being considered as one of Vanderbilt’s nominees must submit the following (in PDF format) to by 5 p.m. on May 17, 2022: 

  1. Brief (two-page maximum) description of the educational innovation project
    1. must address at least one priority area above
  2. Statement of support from candidate’s mentor
    1. must indicate a commitment to advise the candidate on project work and career development
  3. Brief letter of support from the candidate’s department chair
    1. must confirm that the candidate will have “at least 50 percent protected time to pursue a mentored educational project.”
    2. The letter must additionally acknowledge that this grant does not allow indirect costs. This statement can be used/modified within the letter: “The department recognizes that this grant does not allow indirect costs and will commit to covering any associated indirect costs per applicable school/institutional policy.”
  4. Brief CV (five-page max.) or NIH Biosketch

Submissions should reference the program name and applicant’s school (Medicine or Nursing) in the subject line of the email.

Please contact if you have any questions about the program, foundation or internal review process.