Free screening of documentary ‘In a Different Key’ is March 31

In A Different Key film

Nashville has been selected as one of 10 cities to host an exclusive pre-release screening of the documentary In A Different Key on Thursday, March 31. The film will be broadcast nationally on PBS and the Smithsonian Channel later this year.

In a Different Key is the story of a mother who tracks down the first person ever diagnosed with autism, now an elderly man in rural Mississippi, to learn if his life story holds promise for her own autistic son. Her journey exposes a startling record of cruelty and kindness alike, framed by forces like race, money and privilege.

The Nashville screening will be hosted by Vanderbilt’s Frist Center for Autism and Innovation on March 31 in Sarratt Cinema. The screening will begin at 7 p.m., preceded by a reception at 6 p.m. A Q&A with the film’s producers will immediately follow the screening.

Free tickets for the events are available here.