New email security enhancements prevent spoofing, increase deliverability

On Jan. 31, Vanderbilt University implemented an email security enhancement to help ensure that VU email accounts stay safe and secure by preventing spoofing, a practice used to forge the “from” address of an email message. The enhancement also will increase email deliverability by verifying that all messages are from an authentic VU email address.

What has changed?

The effect of these enhancements is two-fold:

  • Users may only send emails using their Vanderbilt domain email address (e.g., “”) from an authorized Vanderbilt email service, such as Vanderbilt Outlook/365, VUGmail or a Vanderbilt LISTSERV.
  • If anyone attempts to send an email using an unauthorized sender via an email address, it will not be delivered as this is no longer authorized. Recipients will neither receive nor be notified of those emails.

I believe that I am impacted. What can I do?

If you use another third-party solution to send mass email campaigns from an email address, such as Mailchimp or Constant Contact, you will no longer be able to do so after Jan. 31, 2022. Users of email campaigns will need to move to an approved solution to ensure their messages continue to be delivered.

Please visit VUIT’s webpage on email delivery for more information on spoofing and to request assistance to ensure that your emails are delivered.

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