Digital Commons announces spring events providing faculty development on digital skills

The Digital Commons has announced a number of spring workshops and panels for faculty interested in learning to use digital technologies and tools in their professional work.

“Faculty responded well to the launch of Digital Commons programming last fall,” said Derek Bruff, assistant provost and interim director of the Digital Commons, a faculty development initiative of the Vanderbilt Libraries. “We’re excited to offer another slate of events designed to help faculty build their digital skills and learn about technologies their peers are using in research and teaching.”

The Digital Commons is offering several “spotlight” events featuring faculty, who will share digital approaches used in their work. The first is a panel titled “Re-Visioning: Virtual Reality in Research, Scholarship and Creativity” planned for Feb. 7 from noon to 1 p.m. on Zoom. “Virtual reality is having a moment,” Bruff said. “In this event, we’ll hear from four panelists who are exploring the use of virtual and augmented reality in their respective fields.” Panelists include Lynn Ramey, professor of French; Corey Brady, assistant professor of mathematics education; Krista Knight, writer-in-residence in theatre and cinema and media arts; and Giles Spence Morrow, postdoctoral research fellow in data science and anthropology.

On Feb. 21 from noon to 1 p.m., Bianca Manago, assistant professor of sociology, will lead a workshop on digital project management for research teams, and on March 2 from noon to 1p.m., she will lead a workshop on training research assistants to clean data. “We’re very excited to offer two workshops by Professor Manago,” Bruff said. “Bianca saw our fall panel on research data management and approached the Digital Commons and the Data Science Institute about offering workshop on that theme for her faculty colleagues, especially those who are running research teams.” Both workshops will be held using Zoom.

Other topics for spring Digital Commons events include research communications, open pedagogy, productivity strategies using Microsoft Teams and OneDrive, building professional networks with Twitter and LinkedIn and new horizons in digital social science research. For information on Digital Commons events and to register, visit the Digital Commons website.