VUPS offers residential, holiday safety reminders for Vanderbilt community

Thanksgiving and the winter holidays mean that many people will be busy shopping and running errands in preparation for the upcoming holidays.  

Vanderbilt University Public Safety wants to remind the Vanderbilt community that criminals will also be out and about looking for easy targets.  

VUPS and the Metro Nashville Police Department offer the campus and local Nashville communities these reminders for residential and holiday crime prevention: 


  • Make sure your home/residence hall room doors and windows are always locked. 
  • Set alarms even if you are in the home. 
  • Double-check the above steps before going to bed or leaving your home.  

Out and About 

  • Always be aware of your surroundings when entering or leaving your area (whether near home or away). Be watchful in parking lots. 
  • Don’t display or carry large sums of cash. Use credit or debit cards and personal checks whenever possible. 
  • Always have your car keys in your hand when walking in parking areas. 
  • When possible, shop with a friend or spouse. 
  • Most malls have security personnel who can escort you to your vehicle. Don’t be ashamed to ask. 
  • Never leave valuables in plain view inside your vehicle.  
  • Always scan the parking lot for suspicious persons or vehicles before you park and exit your vehicle. 
  • Report all suspicious persons and vehicles to mall security/Metro Police/VUPS immediately. 
  • Don’t display gifts under your tree where they can be seen through a door or window of your home. Although this looks pretty, it can be attractive to would-be thieves. 

VUPS also encourages community members to view this 3.5-minute video produced by KGW8 News about things 86 burglars looked for when breaking into homes.

VUPS is always available to conduct site surveys to help develop the most effective methods to prevent burglaries and other crimes in the Vanderbilt community.  

If you’re interested in this free service, please reach out to the crime prevention and community relations officer, Capt. Leshuan Oliver, by email or at 615-566-6960.