Share your opinion of bike, sidewalk improvements needed in Nashville


A project team led by the Nashville Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) is updating Nashville’s WalknBike Plan, a strategic plan that outlines how Metro Nashville prioritizes biking and walking facilities across Davidson County. It involves extensive public and stakeholder feedback to determine where infrastructure investments will be made in future years.

The Vanderbilt campus is a major hub of activity in the heart of Nashville, with Vanderbilt community members and visitors traveling to and from the parklike campus by walking, biking and more. Improving pedestrian safety, connectivity and transportation in and around the Vanderbilt campus is key to the MoveVU vision. We need Vanderbilt community members to participate in the WalknBike process to learn how Nashville makes these strategic investments and voice their perspectives on transportation and mobility in and around Vanderbilt’s campus.

To help NDOT better understand walking and biking issues that are important to you and help prioritize bike and sidewalk investments, please take this survey. Feedback from this survey will help city planners and engineers determine how to prioritize infrastructure with limited resources.


MoveVU is Vanderbilt’s strategic transportation and mobility plan that falls under the FutureVU comprehensive campus planning efforts. For more information, visit the MoveVU website and Instagram.