Writing Studio support now available Monday and Thursday evenings at Zeppos College

The Writing Studio is now offering writing consultations in the Great Room of Zeppos residential college two nights a week:

  • Mondays from 8 to 10 p.m.
  • Thursdays from 7 to 9 p.m.

The Writing Studio offers free and confidential writing assistance for any piece of writing, from course assignments to extracurricular projects. Students can sign up online for a 50-minute writing consultation appointment the same way they do for any Writing Studio appointment: Visit the Writing Studio’s website and follow the “Schedule an Appointment” link from the Writing Studio homepage.

Zeppos College is the latest of several locations on campus where students can connect with in-person writing support. In addition, the Writing Studio continues to offer synchronous online consultations.

The Writing Studio’s one-on-one writing consultations, both in person and online, are available Sunday through Friday, with appointments available as early as 9 a.m. (Monday–Friday) and as late as 10 p.m. (Sunday–Thursday).

Upcoming online writing workshops

The Writing Studio is pleased to offer three workshops as part of its fall 2021 writing workshop series open to all Vanderbilt students. All workshops will take place online; participants will receive the appropriate Zoom information after they register via the links below. For more information about the workshop series, please visit the Writing Studio’s Workshops and Writing Groups page.

Application Essay Essentials

Monday, Oct. 4, 4–5 p.m.

Register via Anchor Link to receive Zoom meeting details.

Join the Writing Studio for a workshop focused on navigating the challenges of composing an application essay. We will explore what an application essay should aim to accomplish and consider what application reviewers hope to learn about you in reading it. Whatever your particular focus, you will leave this workshop with strategies for how to share your story with readers in an impactful, memorable way, whether you are just getting started or well on your way to a finished application.

Establishing a Healthy Writing Practice

Wednesday, Oct. 20, 4–5 p.m.

Register via Anchor Link to receive Zoom meeting details.

Do you feel overwhelmed or anxious when tasked with a writing assignment? Come explore how to create effective writing habits and get to the root of your anxiety by developing a healthy understanding of what it means to write and write well. This workshop is appropriate for anyone who would like to develop or improve strategies for dealing with writing anxiety.

Tackling Extended Writing Projects

Thursday, Nov. 4, 4–5 p.m. 

Register via Anchor Link to receive Zoom meeting details.

Need help getting started or making progress on your extended writing project? Join us for a virtual workshop where you will learn the tools and strategies you need to set realistic goals, effectively manage your project, overcome writing roadblocks and more. This workshop is best suited for those working on extended writing projects during the fall semester—senior projects, honors theses, etc. It could also be beneficial to graduate students working on extended writing projects for the first time.