What you need to know: Handling missed classes during COVID-19 quarantine

Anita Wager, associate dean for undergraduate academic affairs at Vanderbilt Peabody College of education and human development, explains what students need to know if they miss class due to COVID-19 quarantine, including:

  • the first steps a student should take regarding classes after receiving a quarantine notification;
  • how faculty know if a student is on the quarantine list;
  • the measures faculty will take to help students in quarantine; and
  • additional ways students can get academic help.

“The first thing you need to know is that it’s going to be OK. Your faculty are ready to support you, and they are going to be prepared and willing to help you get caught up and learn whatever you missed in class,” Wager said. “The main thing you need to do is reach out to your professors, and there are lots of ways they can get you engaged and caught up.”