Faculty guidance available for VERA phased soft launch Oct. 1

VERA, Vanderbilt’s Electronic Research Administration software, will begin a phased soft launch Oct. 1 following several months of testing and training, including more than 10 weeks of training with research administrators and 15 pairs of faculty and staff.

VERA is a web-based application that will replace the desktop application Coeus and the web-based platform PEER. VERA can be accessed at vera.vanderbilt.edu, SPA’s website, or the VERA website. VERA uses single sign-on (SSO) and requires a VUnet ID and password to log in.

Below is a summary table of important soft launch dates with particular emphasis on how faculty will be impacted by this transition. Follow this link for a more detailed description of the phases of soft launch, including dates and system changes.

Faculty Action Current After Soft Launch – Phase 1

(Oct 1-31)

After Soft Launch – Phase 2

(Nov 1)

Approve Subcontract Draft (training video and instructions) PEER VERA VERA
PI Assurance (training video and instructions) PEER PEER VERA
COI Certification PEER PEER No action needed by faculty; data automatically shared from annual COI disclosure
Proposal system-to-system submission to sponsors SPA or PI is final approver in COEUS SPA or PI is final approver in COEUS (no change) SPA is final approver in VERA for NIH only (back-up available through ASSIST)

In addition to the guidance here, please refer to school-specific communications, as some processes may be different for individual schools. Contact verahelp@vanderbilt.edu with any questions or concerns you may have.

Note that the VERA full launch, including support for VERA system-to-system submissions for all applicable sponsors, is planned for spring 2022. More information about the full launch, including important dates, will be shared as the fall semester progresses.