Ravel’s beloved one-act opera L’Enfant et les Sortilèges (The Child and the Magic) is brought to life in vivid animation by Nashville film artist Kevin James Thornton and voiced by the singers of Vanderbilt Opera Theatre. This is an opera for the entire family to enjoy.
The opera tells the story of a fantastical day in the life of a mischievous boy. In the midst of a tantrum, he harms those around him. The objects and animals that the child hurt then come to life and admonish him for his cruelty, making him realize that he is driving away all that he loves. Through an act of kindness, he finds redemption.
Vanderbilt University Blair School of Music and Vanderbilt Opera Theatre present L’Enfant et les Sortilèges (The Child and the Magic).
- Music by Maurice Ravel
- Libretto by Collette
- Music direction by Jennifer McGuire
- Direction by Gayle Shay
- Animation by Kevin James Thornton
The production also can be viewed on Blair’s livestreaming page, where a full list of the cast and crew may be found.