‘Around the World in 18 Hours’ event designed to connect remote and international students

How do you engage Vanderbilt’s remote-learning and international students and connect them to each other while navigating time zones around the world? Keep a virtual party going for 18 hours straight. 

On Friday, Nov. 20, starting at 6 a.m. Central time, international and domestic Vanderbilt students can join live online get-togethers ranging from yoga and origami lessons to a Bluegrass music listening session to discussions about American politics and media. The event is sponsored by iLEAD international orientation leaders and Vanderbilt’s residential colleges, and sessions will be led by a diverse array of faculty, students and staff.

“This event was the brainchild of the creative international students in iLEAD and the iLead adviser, Roshaunda Ross-Orta, who really understand what it’s like to have so many intersectional points of contact with our incredibly diverse community at Vanderbilt,” said Melissa Gresalfi, dean of The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, who will kick off the event. “We’re excited to connect with students from around the globe and to share our experiences across time zones.”

New topics will start at the top of each hour. Students are welcome to attend any or all sessions. A full list of topics can be found below and on Anchor Link.