Student Care Network shares tips, resources for managing transitions

The Student Care Network recognizes that Vanderbilt students may be feeling stress in anticipation of the end of the semester or preparing to leave campus for the extended winter break. Managing transitions can be difficult and naturally causes anxiety. Remember that the SCN is here to help students manage these transitions.

Students are encouraged to reach out to the Office of Student Care Coordination to schedule an appointment if they are feeling stress or anxiety or would like to know more about the wellness resources available to students through the Student Care Network during the winter break. The OSCC can help a student create a wellness plan to keep them feeling grounded while nurturing their resilience during their time away from campus. Students concerned about their physical or emotional safety during the extended winter break are encouraged to reach out to the OSCC for support.

First-year undergraduate students can prepare for “The Flip” by:

  • Scheduling a virtual health and safety inspection between Nov. 16 and Nov. 22.
  • Using packing supplies available in the lobby of residence halls.
  • Planning ahead to spread out the work.
  • Packing nonessentials first.
  • Reviewing instructions on how to pack various items.
  • Reaching out to with any questions or concerns.

Students can prepare for the extended winter break by: 

  • Reaching out to medical providers now to refill necessary prescriptions.
  • Getting a free flu shot at the Student Health Center before leaving campus.
  • Remembering that the Student Health Center will be open regular hours weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., excluding holidays, for students remaining in Nashville during the extended winter break. After-hours provider assistance is available, no matter location, by calling the Student Health Center at 615-322-2427.
  • Reaching out to their University Counseling Center provider if they have an existing relationship to discuss a wellness plan to use over the extended winter break. Consider reconnecting with providers from home if needing immediate support during the extended winter break.
  • Remembering the value of maintaining a routine during times of transition. Try to maintain sleep, exercise, eating and study schedules.
  • Reaching out to friends and family for support and maintaining safe social connections.
  • Remembering there are nationwide services available that can provide support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:
    • Text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 to communicate with a trained crisis counselor, from anywhere in the United States, anytime, about any type of crisis.
    • Students of color can also text STEVE to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 to speak with an urgent care counselor dedicated to supporting the mental health and emotional well-being of students of color.
    • Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
  • Developing creative ways to process emotions and increase resilience. Some strategies to use include, but are not limited to: exercise, dancing, journaling, deep belly breathing, painting, laughing, limiting social media, learning a new craft, setting healthy boundaries, spending time in nature, trying new recipes, praying and meditating, coloring and drawing, volunteering, and reading for fun.
  • Downloading Headspace to help reduce stress, improve focus, improve sleep, and engage in mindful movement exercises.