A widespread phishing campaign is currently targeting Vanderbilt University. It has been confirmed as malicious. The phishing email subject is “Heal Torture AID (Part-Time).” DO NOT RESPOND TO THE EMAIL OR OPEN ANY LINKS. Delete it from your inbox and report it to the VUIT security team at phishing@vanderbilt.edu, or call VUIT Support at 615-343-9999.
The emails in this phishing campaign offer a part-time job opportunity and may come from multiple senders, but all have the same subject of “Heal Torture AID (Part-Time).” The message describes how much the job will pay and asks the recipient to email dr.gagsaid@gmail.com from a private email address. These types of phishing emails are often a precursor to a financial scam. Vanderbilt University Information Technology is actively monitoring the threat.
Shown below is one of the phishing emails:
If you have received this phishing email or a similar one, please report it to VUIT Information Security by one of two methods:
- Using the Outlook email client, select the “Report Message” button in the ribbon at the top, then select “Phishing.”
- If you are not using Outlook, or the button is not available, please forward the phishing email (as an attachment) to phishing@vanderbilt.edu.
If you have any questions, email them to phishing@vanderbilt.edu, or contact VUIT Support at 615-343-9999.
For more information about how to protect yourself from phishing in the future, read “Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Protect yourself from phishing.”