New VandyRide stop added near Zeppos College

VandyRide stop outside of Zeppos College

Vanderbilt has added a new VandyRide stop near Zeppos College for students using the Black Route or the new Point to Point service. The stop is located outside of the back entrance of the Zeppos College along 25th Avenue South.

The new location was added to give students another pickup location option as previous stops near Carmichael Towers and Greek housing were phased out. The stop has lights, a camera and a shelter area. The new addition will cause minimal changes to the current timing for the Black Route.

The new Point to Point service, which was announced earlier this month, allows undergraduate students who live off campus and are registered with the Dean of Students Office to get a free shuttle ride from a campus VandyRide stop or designated ridehail pickup location to their residence within a half-mile of the university. The service, available from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. seven days per week, is one-way and designed to deliver students safely to their off-campus residences. The program is being piloted this semester and is subject to change based on demand and available resources.

Learn more about the new Point to Point service.>>

A reminder about student shuttles for early voting this Saturday

VandyRide will provide a free shuttle to the Green Hills Public Library on Saturday, Oct. 24, for any student—undergraduate, graduate or professional—who wishes to participate in early voting. Students must be registered to vote in Davidson County to participate in early voting at this location.

Students must register to ride the shuttle at least 24 hours in advance. Shuttle capacity will be limited to seven passengers per trip, and all students must wear masks and practice physical distancing.

Register to ride the shuttle on Oct. 24. >>

Beginning at 8 a.m. each day, the shuttle will pick up at the VandyRide stops at Rand Student Center on the hour; at Highland Quad at five minutes past the hour; and at Hank Ingram House at 10 minutes past the hour. The shuttle will arrive at the Green Hills Public Library at approximately 30 minutes past the hour and return to the Rand Student Center at approximately 45 minutes past the hour, where all passengers must disembark before the shuttle starts its next cycle. Final campus pickups on Oct. 24 will take place during the 2 p.m. hour before the poll closes at 4:30 p.m.

Students can track the early voting shuttle by following PP#1 in the DoubleMap site available in the VandySafe app. In addition, students will be provided with the driver’s phone number to ensure that no one is left at the polling place. The shuttle will be wheelchair accessible.

Tennessee’s early voting dates are Oct. 14–29, when voters registered in Davidson County may cast their ballot at any early voting location. On Election Day, Nov. 3, registered voters must vote in person at their assigned polling place.