Vanderbilt may submit one application to the Tennessee Arts Commission Arts Project Support (APS) or the Rural Arts Project Support (RAPS) program.
Proposed arts projects must involve one or more commission-recognized art forms, including: visual arts, craft, media, design, music, theater, dance, folk and ethnic, or literary arts. The following are example activities and expenditures that are consistent with the funding philosophy for APS and RAPS:
- Projects that involve and promote professional artists, especially Tennessee artists
- Visiting artists conducting master classes
- Specific aspects of workshops, festivals and conferences
- Public performances, productions and exhibitions produced by the applicant
- Exhibitions of art by professional and folk artists, especially Tennessee artists
- Projects involving and promoting folk and traditional artists
- Promotion, publicity and newsletters
- Administrative and artistic staff support
- Research and documentation as part of an arts project or program development
- Consultancies and residencies for administrative and artistic activities
- The development of long-range planning documents
- Improved program accessibility for underserved constituencies, e.g. children, people living in rural communities or isolated settings, people living with disabilities, people of color, and senior citizens
- Art in public places
- Extensions of literary projects, journals with continuing publication, or juried anthologies
- Apprenticeship programs
- Computer software/training
- Technical/production support
- Technical assistance projects
- Touring/presenting projects that bring professional and/or traditional folk performers to communities across the state
Funds awarded to a single organization in these categories range from $500 to $9,000 for non-arts organizations and arts organizations and entities of local government. Arts organizations serving a statewide audience may apply for up to $10,000. A project may start no earlier than July 1, 2021, and must end no later than June 15, 2022. Applicants may only apply to one of the two programs, not both.
The requested grant amount must be matched dollar for dollar.
See the APS and RAPS program pages for more information.
Interested faculty should visit to apply for the internal LSO competition and to find additional information about the opportunity. The deadline for the internal competition is Nov. 12, 2020.
Any questions about this opportunity or the LSO process may be directed to