Re:VU brochures for 2020–21 now available

2020 Re:VU brochureThe 2020–21 edition of the Re:VU brochure is now available.

Re:VU is a concise summary of Vanderbilt University’s vital statistics, featuring the most commonly requested facts and figures about the university and reflecting the most recent official published information available.

The brochure is used by offices, departments and schools campuswide for a variety of purposes, including faculty and staff recruitment, within admissions or media packets, and for distribution to visitors or at conferences. All of the facts in Re:VU also are available on the Quick Facts section of the university’s website.

Re:VU is published by the Division of Communications and is available free of charge to members of the Vanderbilt community upon request.

For the first time, Vanderbilt is partnering with Parris Printing to distribute the Re:VU brochure through its digital storefront, and the request process has changed. Please note that printed brochures are distributed only on campus, through Vanderbilt’s campus mail system. Requested copies are delivered once per week, on Fridays, to the Station B post office. Requests made online by end of day Wednesday will be delivered to Station B on Friday of that week for delivery to the recipient’s campus mail address. Rush requests cannot be accepted. Requests are limited only to faculty and staff of Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

To request your printed copies of the Re:VU brochure, follow these steps:

  • Go to the request page.
  • Create an account with Parris Printing’s digital storefront by clicking on “Create an account” and following the instructions. Please note:

– In the “Address 1” field, you must enter your full campus mail address (including the Station B PMB, Peabody PMB or VUMC Station 17 portions of the address).

– Regardless of the post office at which you get your campus mail, select “Station B Post Office” in the “Location” field of the form.

– In the “Password” fields, enter a password you will use to access the digital storefront to request the Re:VU brochure or other Vanderbilt products that may be offered in the future through Parris.

  • Once your account has been registered, click “Login.”
  • On the Re:VU brochure welcome page, click “View Details” to go to the order page. Enter the quantity requested and select your pre-populated campus mail address under “Ship To.”

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