Save the date for the 19th Annual Levi Watkins, Jr. M.D. Lecture to be held at noon on Tuesday, Oct. 6.
The keynote speaker will be Selwyn M. Vickers, M.D., senior vice president for medicine and dean of the School of Medicine at the University of Alabama–Birmingham. Vickers will discuss “Heroes of the Past: Lives of Sacrifice Committed to Fighting Racial Injustice—a Message for Us Today.”
The Zoom link for the lecture is: https://zoom.us/j/98994040215?pwd=WktrcGhIbUl5RXFucEh6VlAyOERYdz09.
In addition, nominations are now being sought for the annual Levi Watkins Jr. Faculty Award and Levi Watkins Jr. Student Awards.
About the Faculty Award
This award is presented annually to at least one member of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine faculty or administration who has made outstanding contributions to the institution in fostering the opportunities for underrepresented minorities in our educational or research programs.
The award also recognizes individuals who have contributed to increasing diversity at the Medical School.
About the Student Awards
This award will be presented annually to at least one graduate student and one medical student associated with Vanderbilt University School of Medicine who have made outstanding contributions to the institution in fostering a more diverse environment that is enriching, encouraging and embracing of all Vanderbilt medical school students, faculty and administrators.
Please submit award nominations here. >>
About Levi Watkins Jr.
Levi Watkins Jr., MD’70, made significant contributions toward increasing opportunities for underrepresented minorities in the sciences. A distinguished physician and researcher, Watkins became the first African American student to be admitted to VUSM in 1966. He graduated in 1970 and was selected as a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society. He continued his training at Johns Hopkins and Harvard. Watkins embodied the attributes important to serving as a renowned role model for those who pursue careers in medicine and the biomedical sciences.