Move-in week to offer activities and orientation for incoming undergraduate students

As move-in commences this week, a mix of in-person and virtual activities will be available to students. This includes nightly welcome and orientation activities with residential faculty, orientation leaders and residential colleges staff, as well as the separate CommonVU orientation modules that became available on Aug. 15. Students should look for additional communications about small-group campus tours, scavenger hunts, floor meetings, virtual roommate activities and much more.

Parents and Family Orientation, typically hosted the Sunday following move-in, will be held in three virtual sessions this year.

Tuesday, Aug. 18, 7 p.m. CT – Orientation to The Ingram Commons. This session is open to all incoming first-year student parents and families. Click here to register.

Thursday, Aug. 20, 7 p.m. CT – Supporting Your Student in Uncharted Territory: First-Generation Students and Families. This session is open to all incoming first-year and transfer student parents and families. Click here to register.

Sunday, Aug. 23, 1 p.m. CT – Health, Safety and Wellness: Communicating with VU and Your New Student. This session is open to all incoming first-year and transfer student parents and families. Click here to register.

Registrants can submit questions for any sessions using this form.

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