Vanderbilt University faculty may visit the classrooms in which they will teach undergraduate and graduate courses this fall from Monday, Aug. 10, through Friday, Aug. 21—each weekday during their regularly scheduled class times—as part of their preparation for in-person and hybrid teaching. Undergraduate classes for the fall 2020 semester are scheduled to begin on Aug. 24. Faculty who teach professional program courses should contact their dean or department chair regarding the procedure for visiting their classrooms.
During classroom visits faculty can practice using cameras, microphones and other technology and get comfortable with the modified setup of the rooms. Each visit is limited to 45 minutes to allow for the faculty member who follows.
Before arriving on campus for a classroom visit, faculty must complete the required Return to Campus Acknowledgment in Oracle Learning. Be sure to log in to Oracle Learning using Vanderbilt Single Sign-On (select “Company Single Sign-On”).
Instructions for accessing the course in Oracle Learning. >>
Faculty should bring their Vanderbilt ID card to gain access to classroom buildings. If your card has been misplaced, visit the Card Services website for instructions on creating a new one and to schedule a time to pick it up.
Faculty must wear masks, observe physical distancing and follow all university safety protocols while on campus.
Faculty may be accompanied by a colleague to their classroom for assistance/feedback while testing equipment, but each person must wear a mask and observe physical distancing at all times. In addition, each person must complete the Return to Campus Acknowledgment and be granted permission by their dean before coming to campus.
“Many faculty members requested the opportunity to visit their classrooms ahead of the start of the fall semester to familiarize themselves with the technology and physical setup related to some of the changes we have made in response to COVID-19,” said Vanessa Beasley, vice provost for academic affairs and dean of residential faculty and associate professor of communication studies. “Our faculty should be commended for their dedication to the learning experience of our students and for their commitment to the high quality of education at Vanderbilt.”
Faculty should note that classrooms are still being prepared for the fall semester. During a classroom visit faculty may encounter activities such as the arranging or designating of physically distanced seating, the delivery of sanitizing products, and cleaning and disinfection efforts. Faculty who wish to submit questions or concerns following their classroom visits can do so using this form.
Faculty are encouraged to visit the Faculty Q&A page on the Return to Campus website, which includes answers to frequently asked questions posed by faculty at recent town halls and in other venues. This page continues to be updated regularly.
For additional information, visit the Return to Campus website.