The Vanderbilt Alumni Association Board announces new leadership and the addition of six new members. On July 1, Tim Warnock, BA’84, replaced Dan Lovinger, BA’87, as president, who will serve as alumni trustee on the Board of Trust. Each will serve a two-year term.

“Vanderbilt truly is a lifelong passion and it is an honor to serve as president of the Alumni Association Board,” says Warnock. “I look forward to working with this dedicated group of alumni who, through their philanthropy and volunteer roles, do so much to drive Vanderbilt forward.”

The board also welcomes five new members to its ranks who will each serve a three-year term:
Keith Forman, BA’81, of Washington, D.C., chairman of the board, Capital Product Partners, and senior advisor, Industry Funds Management P/L;

John Long, BMus’92, executive creative director, Ogilvy, in New York, New York;
Katy McBride, BA’73, of Bethesda, Md., program manager, Department of Defense;

Tiffany Street, MS’03, DNP’18, administrative director with the Heart Institute, Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn.; and
Sabrina Tour, JD’14, associate attorney at Daniels & Tredennick, LLP in Houston, Texas.

Current members Sam Kim, BA’00, Jodie Leeka Kim, BE’10, ME’11, Kellie Montoya, BA’04, Anu Pardeshi, BS’00, MS’02, MBA’04, accepted the new opportunity to serve a second three-year term.

Additionally, the Vanderbilt Board of Trust selected Nico Gardner-Serna, BA’20, of Rancho Palos Verdes, California, to serve on the Alumni Association Board as Young Alumni Leader before joining the Board of Trust for a two-year term on July 1, 2023.
Learn more about the Vanderbilt Alumni Association Board at vuconnect.com/board.