Transition to Vanderbilt Phase 2 of Return to Campus Plan begins June 8

Vanderbilt University will begin transitioning to Phase 2 of its  Return to Campus Plan on Monday, June 8.

The Return to Campus Plan is tailored to Vanderbilt’s own unique density, operations and other considerations as a residential education institution. The first phase of the Return to Campus Plan began Monday, May 18, and operations that resumed were on-campus research activities that could not be conducted remotely.

The major change that will occur during this next phase of the plan includes on-campus research ramp up to no more than 50 percent capacity. Those who conduct research activities will receive follow-up information with details on Monday.

The university will continue to ramp up various operations in orderly, sequential phases and will communicate with the Vanderbilt community in advance of each phase.

The Return to Campus Plan can be viewed on the university’s COVID-19 website. >>

The following steps and precautions remain in place on the Vanderbilt campus during the university’s Phase 2:

  • On-campus research and scholarly activities will transition to Phase 2 of the 4-Phase Research Ramp-up Plan, with all COVID-19 related safety guidelines in place (e.g., physical distancing, use of personal protective equipment, etc.)
  • Graduate and professional student field-based training/learning allowed as informed by on-campus research activities phased opening and/or clinic/occupational site authorization.
  • Graduate and professional instruction online and preparation for on-campus activity continues.
  • Undergraduate instruction online and preparation for on-campus activity continues.
  • On-campus residential education preparation for on-campus activity continues.
  • Staff recalled to campus when needed on campus to directly support research, instruction and residential living. Others working remotely.
  • Staff who are to be recalled to campus will be notified by their supervisors, and only those who need to be on campus to directly support activity ramp-up will be requested to return to campus. Others will continue working remotely.
  • All those on campus must abide by the protocols outlined in the Return to Campus Plan (e.g., symptom monitoring, face masks/coverings, physical distancing, etc.).
  • Gatherings up to 10 as long as physical distancing can be maintained and safety protocols (e.g., face masks/coverings) are followed.