Centralized web portal, workshops launched for online and alternative education resources

The Office of Faculty Affairs has launched a new centralized web portal where faculty members can find the broad array of resources available to them as the university transitions all academic courses to online and alternative education.

The webpage includes information on training, digital applications and tools, teaching guides and resources for setting up virtual classes and group discussions, audio conferencing, online quizzes and more.

Visit the Faculty Online and Alternative Education Resources webpage.>>

See MyVU story on additional resources from the Center for Teaching.>>

In preparation for the transition to online and alternative education, the Office of Faculty Affairs and the Center for Teaching are hosting a workshop, Tools for Putting Your Teaching Online, for faculty members across Vanderbilt.

The 75-minute workshops are scheduled for March 13 and 16. More than 300 faculty members participated in-person or via Zoom in the first round of workshops offered on March 11 and 12.

The workshop, facilitated by Stacey Johnson, assistant director of the Center for Teaching, and BC Hatchett, associate director of VUIT AV Design, Support and Media Services, provides faculty members with a variety of resources to ensure teaching continuity through April 30. Two key tools covered during the workshop include a video conferencing tool that enables live online meetings and Brightspace’s program that allows faculty to use screen capture to create video lectures that can be easily shared with students.

Information on how to register for the March 13 and 16 workshops will be available on the Faculty Affairs website. A link to a video of the workshop sessions will also be made available for faculty members to view on the portal in the coming days.

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