CANCELED: Get involved with Disability Awareness Week programming and events March 9–13

All university-sponsored, non-Athletics events and gatherings are suspended through April 30 due to COVID-19.

Disability Awareness Week, March 9–13
Disability Awareness Week, March 9–13

From March 9 to 13, Vanderbilt will recognize Disability Awareness Week with a series of interactive programs and events on intersecting topics related to disability. All programs and events are free and open to Vanderbilt students, faculty, staff and postdoctoral scholars.

Disability Awareness Week events at Vanderbilt include:

  • Dinner in the Dark: Dinner in the Dark is a sensory awareness experience that immerses participants in a temporary environment to broaden perspectives on disability. Participants will partake in a group meal while blindfolded in order to give an experiential understanding of living with vision impairment. GME diversity and inclusion.
    Where: The Wond’ry third floor common room
    When: March 9, 6-7:30 p.m.
    RSVP to attend.>>
  • Basics of Behavior: The Frist Center for Autism and Innovation will host an interactive presentation providing an overview of the basic principles of behavior, including helpful information for incorporating optimal classroom arrangements and tools for unique learners with Autism Spectrum Disorder. At the conclusion of this session, participants will be able to define the ABCs of behavior, list three functions of behavior, be able to define sensory processing dysfunction/disorder, and name at least three classroom supports that are beneficial for most students with ASD. Following the presentation from Autism Tennessee, the Frist Center for Autism and Innovation will give a presentation. Light refreshments will be provided. GME diversity and inclusion.
    Where: Alumni Hall 206
    When: March 10, 1-2 p.m.
    Learn More.>>
  • Disability as a Feminist Issue: This program will expand on the basics of feminism and how disability advocacy, specifically, is a feminist issue. Women with disabilities, including Next Steps students, will share their perspectives on intersecting identities as well as their experiences navigating Vanderbilt’s campus. GME diversity and inclusion.
    Where: Sarratt 363
    When: March 11, 6-7 p.m.
    Learn More.>>
  • Stories of Vanderbilt Disability and Condition: A panel of students will discuss their personal experiences as people with disabilities at Vanderbilt. The event is a time for fellow community members to come and listen to the lives of their peers and learn how disability has shaped their experiences on campus. GME diversity and inclusion.
    Where: Alumni Hall 202
    When: March 12, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
    Learn More.>>
  • Disability and Race: Five individuals from the Vanderbilt and Nashville communities will share how race intersects with disability. In addition, the panelists will share some of their personal experiences and discuss resources available at Vanderbilt.
    Where: Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center Auditorium
    When: March 13, 11 a.m.–noon

The Disability Awareness Week programming is being organized by a wide array of campus and community partners, including the Provost’s Office for Inclusive Excellence’s InclusAbility initiative, as well as the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center and Bishop Joseph Johnson Black Cultural Center, both part of OIE. Partners also include Next Steps at Vanderbilt, Student Access Services, Vanderbilt Autism and Neurodiversity Alliance, Vanderbilt Alliance on Disability and Condition, Vanderbilt Student Government and Autism Tennessee.

For more information, visit the program-specific Anchorlink page. To learn more about the InclusAbility Initiative and the Provost’s Office for Inclusive Excellence, which works to ensure that a broad array of faculty, students and postdoctoral fellows are able to fully avail themselves of the potential offered by Vanderbilt University, visit the Office for Inclusive Excellence website.