‘A Co-Learning Model for Community Engaged Program Evaluation’ Dec. 6

Sarah V. Suiter, assistant professor of the practice of human and organizational development, will present “A Co-Learning Model for Community Engaged Program Evaluation” on Friday, Dec. 6, from 8:30 to 10 a.m. The event will be at United Way of Metropolitan Nashville, Room 101/102, 250 Venture Circle.

A light breakfast will be provided. Please RSVP to attend by Dec. 4 at or call (615) 963-2817.

Community-based organizations are increasingly expected to demonstrate the value of their services. Although they would like to use data to show their worth, improve their services and expand their impact, many CBOs lack the training and resources needed to conduct rigorous program evaluation.

At the same time, college students need the opportunity to gain the “soft” skills associated with evaluation, including forming relationships, negotiating designs and processes, collaborating with partners and advocating change.

This presentation will explore a university course-based community-university partnership model intended to build program evaluation capacity among students and CBO partners alike.

The Dec. 6 event is sponsored by the Meharry-Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core.

CERC flyer featuring Sarah Suiter presentation