Annual report on crime statistics, security and fire safety now available

In compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, the Tennessee College and University Security Information Act, and the Fire Safety Right-to-Know provisions of the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act, Vanderbilt University publishes an annual report to provide information on security-related services offered by the university.

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report contains information related to university-wide security and safety, including related policies, procedures and crime statistics. The report also describes fire safety systems, policies and procedures for on-campus student housing facilities, as well as residence hall fire statistics.

Additionally, in compliance with the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013, the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report sets forth information pertaining to the university’s policies and procedures regarding sexual assault, stalking and dating and domestic violence, including information regarding making reports to law enforcement and to the university’s Title IX coordinator. The report also contains information regarding prevention and awareness programs (including bystander intervention), confidentiality, disciplinary procedures and resources for those impacted by sexual assault, stalking and dating and domestic violence.

The Annual Security and Fire Safety Report can be found on the Vanderbilt University Police Department website at, or a paper copy of the report may be obtained from the Vanderbilt University Police Department at 2800 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville, TN 37212.

Missing Student Notification Policy

In compliance with the 2008 Higher Education Opportunity Act, Vanderbilt University provides each student residing on campus the opportunity to designate a confidential contact to be notified by the university in the event that the university determines that the student is missing. This confidential contact is in addition to any other emergency contact that the student may identify, although the “confidential” contact and the “emergency” contact may be the same person or persons. In the case of non-emancipated students under the age of 18, the HEOA requires that a custodial parent or guardian be notified; however, an additional confidential contact also may be specified.

Students may designate both emergency contacts and confidential contacts by logging into YES (Your Enrollment Services) at and selecting the appropriate process. For more information, see