The Vanderbilt Woman’s Club will host an event for those interested in joining the club on Saturday, Sept. 28.
The First Newcomer Coffee will begin at 10 a.m. at the home of Woman’s Club member Amy Smith, 2152 Golf Club Lane. Please RSVP by Sept. 21 if you plan to attend: amyjsmith.rn@gmail.com or 720-939-0135.
The Second Newcomer Coffee is planned for Saturday, Oct. 19, at 10 a.m. at the home of Joy Allington-Baum, 5724 Stoneway Trail. Please RSVP by Oct. 12 if you plan to attend: joyallingtonbaum@gmail.com or 214-755-532.
The Vanderbilt Woman’s Club brings together the women of Vanderbilt University, Vanderbilt University Medical Center and the surrounding community while providing an opportunity for intellectual, cultural, social and philanthropic activities within the community and Vanderbilt. The club proudly sponsors the Stapleton/Weaver Scholarship through its fundraising efforts. The club is an official part of the university and was founded to support the Vanderbilt community in 1893.
For more information, visit the Vanderbilt Woman’s Club website.