Public Health to host Stata and SAS bootcamps throughout September

Fall 2019 Stata and SAS Boot Camps


This three-day short course is intended for those who need a refresher in the very basics of Stata. The interactive sessions provide students with additional exposure to the statistical software package, with plenty of time for hands-on practice.

Wednesday, Sept. 11
Thursday,Sept. 12
Friday, Sept. 13

Time: 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Location: MPH Classroom #2600, Village at Vanderbilt (1500 21st Avenue South)

Click here to register by Tuesday, Sept. 3.



This introduction to SAS University Edition hands-on workshop shows how one can use the menu driven tasks and SAS code in SAS University Edition to perform common reporting and research tasks: querying, reporting, and analyzing data. Several statistical procedures will be used to analyze data and produce reports. In this workshop students will learn to access data, combine tables, compute new variables, explore data with simple statistics and graphs, and perform sophisticated statistical analyses with SAS University Edition.

Friday, Sept. 27

Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Participants will have an hour-long break for lunch. Please plan to bring a lunch or to visit a local restaurant in Hillsboro Village)

Location: MPH Classroom #2600, Village at Vanderbilt (1500 21st Avenue South)

Click here to register by Friday, Sept. 20.