Safety app VandySafe now linked with AlertVU for broader community safety

VandySafeVandySafe, the safety app launched by Vanderbilt University Public Safety, will now send push notifications to users in the event of an emergency on campus. The update broadens safety efforts to communicate real-time notifications to community members in addition to the students, faculty and staff notified through AlertVU.

AlertVU rapidly sends messages to the delivery points a user has chosen—cell phone (voice or text), landline, and Vanderbilt email account—in the event of an emergency that poses an imminent threat or danger to the Vanderbilt community.

Now, when VUPD issues an AlertVU message, a push notification will also be sent to VandySafe users. (VandySafe users must enable push notifications through the app to receive these messages.) Examples of such a threat include a tornado warning that includes the Vanderbilt campus or an active shooter on campus.

Through VandySafe, users can:

  • Contact VUPD via phone call or real-time chat
  • Submit an iReport
  • Trigger a mobile BlueLight and shares their location instantly with VUPD
  • Cue the Virtual Walkhome, during which VUPD Dispatch can monitor a user’s walk home, to a car or office
  • Share their location with a friend
  • Find support resources, such as Facilities and EAP
  • Review emergency guides

VandySafe is available for download through the Apple and Google Play stores.

For more information or for questions, email Jessamyn Davis with the Office of Emergency Preparedness.