Microsoft Office 365 sign-in enhancements coming in June

Over the next several months, VUIT will migrate all Outlook/Exchange mailboxes of VU faculty, staff and most graduate students* from on-campus servers to Microsoft Outlook Office 365 in the cloud. To prepare for the Outlook/Exchange mailbox migration to Office 365, VUIT will be updating the way users sign in to Office 365 applications. This change will provide a more consistent sign-in experience across Vanderbilt systems.

Currently, users sign in to Office 365 using their VUnetID. Beginning Wednesday, June 5, users will sign in using their primary email address (their “send as” email address, which is typically

The current sign in for Office 365 (left) and the future sign in (right) after June 5.

To learn more about the advantages of Outlook/Exchange mailboxes moving to the cloud, check out this recent MyVU article. For any other questions about Outlook/Exchange, please email the Genesis Project Team at

Note: If you are an active user of OneDrive or OneNote in Office 365, visit the O365 Address Alignment page for additional information about how this change will affect you.

*VU undergraduate students who use Gmail will not be affected by this change.

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