May is Mental Health Awareness Month

The month of May has been designated as Mental Health Awareness Month, the aim of which is to educate the public about the realities of mental health conditions and reduce stigma around seeking support or identifying as a person with a mental health concern. Fear and unfair stereotypes have helped to foster stigma. Potential consequences of stigma include isolation, blame, secrecy, rejection, bullying and discrimination. At its worst, stigma also can lead to suicide or other forms of self-harm.

One way to decrease stigma is to be informed. Work/Life Connections has developed brief, self-assessment questionnaires that ask participants about symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress, post-traumatic stress, disordered eating and negative body image, attention deficit disorder and alcohol abuse.

Take the online screening. >>

After each self-assessment, there are links to articles, wellcasts and other helpful resources. Employees can use these self-assessments to determine if they might have a mental health condition, to learn about the symptoms associated with different conditions, or to help identify signs that a colleague or loved one may have symptoms associated with a mental health disorder.

If you or a co-worker needs more direct support or guidance, Work/Life Connections–EAP’s licensed clinicians offer assessment, brief counseling and referral to community resources in a confidential and supportive context. If you would like to make an appointment, please call 615-936-1327 to find a time that best matches your schedule and needs.