Student Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct now available

Vanderbilt’s Student Campus Climate Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconduct launched today, Feb. 1, and will be open for the next 30 days. All undergraduate, graduate and professional students received an email invitation to participate in the survey from Westat, the independent, third-party research firm that has been contracted to confidentially administer the survey and analyze the results.

The survey is anonymous, and all students are encouraged to participate. The information collected will help Vanderbilt to better understand how intimate partner violence affects the student community and how the university can continue to improve campus resources.

“The voice of our students is incredibly important, and we want to learn from them regarding their experiences around sexual assault and misconduct,” said Susan R. Wente, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs. “We ask that our students take time out of their busy schedules to complete this important survey, the results of which will help guide university policy in this area moving forward.”

Vanderbilt University is one of 33 institutions participating in this project, which is directed by the Association of American Universities. This latest student campus climate survey is a continuation of the provost’s sexual assault and prevention awareness initiatives. In spring 2015, Vanderbilt conducted its first student campus climate survey on sexual assault. That survey, along with the Provost’s Sexual Misconduct Prevention Committee (PSMPC) and the work of many campus partners resulted in critical improvements to a number of campus services.

In fall 2019, the AAU will publish a comprehensive report based on the national survey findings. As a follow-up to the AAU report, Vanderbilt intends to provide the major campus findings from the survey, as well as campus-specific recommendations regarding relevant initiatives to further its support of the student population.