Blair School offers adult Tai Chi classes for stress release

Learn gentle Tai Chi movements and breathing techniques with instructor Cindy Hui-Lio to help ease chronic stress and anxiety. Learn how to “tune in” to your body and balance your movements.

New and returning students are welcome. Great for musicians and all who want to feel better.

Making music is an intensely physical act. Musicians, professional and amateur, are catching up to athletes in recognizing the importance of learning more about health and wellness. Adults too often ignore or deny aches, pains and medical problems as long as possible, playing through pain and accepting it as a price to be paid for doing the things they love.

It does not have to be that way. A healthy well-adjusted musician with an effortless technique has a much greater potential for maximizing his or her musical potential. Many problems can be eased or totally erased by more careful attention to posture and healthy movement. Blair School of Music offers several courses in wellness for musicians and all who seek a holistic path to healthy living.

Participants may sign up for one or both seven-week sessions:

  • Session I: Jan. 15-Feb. 26, 7-8:15 p.m.
  • Session II: March 14-April 23, 7-8:15 p.m.

Location: Blair School of Music, Room 1197, 2400 Blakemore Ave.

Tuition is $170 for each session. A $20 discount is available for those who sign up for both sessions.

Comfortable clothing and shoes are recommended.

To register, go to

Contact: Pam Schneller, (615) 343-5614