Vanderbilt IT will upgrade the telephone system at 4 a.m. on Sunday, Dec. 16. The upgrade will take approximately one hour to complete. During this timeframe, all regular phones (including Lync/Skype for Business phones) at VU and VUMC will be unavailable. Thirty minutes prior to the upgrade, a reminder notification will be sent to all clinical workstations via the AlertUS system, and another notification will be sent after the upgrade is complete. Active voice pager messages are sent to appropriate Clinical Staffing Leaders (CSL) groups prior to downtime.
Following the upgrade, it is important for owners of voice mailboxes to check for new messages (even if the voicemail indicator light is off) and to verify that all settings, such as call forwarding and speed dial, are accurate.
Blue Light phones are included in this outage, and VUPD will bolster its presence on campus during this time. In an emergency during the outage, dial 911 on a red phone or use the SafeVU app.
The Emergency Red Phone System, which is designed to provide communication coverage in the event of a phone system outage, will be active and available to any community member needing to use a phone during the upgrade. These red phones are located at strategic sites (including the VUH Emergency Discharge Center and all nurse’s stations).
For more information, contact VUIT at (615) 343-9999, option 2.