Chancellor joins students on campus for early Thanksgiving dinner

Nearly 150 students joined Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos on Nov. 19 for an early Thanksgiving celebration in the Student Life Center’s Commodore Ballroom. Zeppos hosts the annual dinner for students who are remaining on campus during the Thanksgiving break.

Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos addresses students at an annual early Thanksgiving dinner for students staying on campus during the break. (Susan Urmy/Vanderbilt)

“This time of year has come to represent a time of giving thanks for many of us,” Zeppos told the students at the dinner. “I have many things to be thankful for, including all of the wonderful students who are having Thanksgiving dinner with me.”

Vanderbilt students enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner in the Student Life Center. (Susan Urmy/Vanderbilt)
Vanderbilt students enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner in the Student Life Center. (Susan Urmy/Vanderbilt)

The dinner featured traditional Thanksgiving fare, including turkey, halal roasted chicken, oven-baked stuffing, cranberry sauce, Brussels sprouts, glazed carrots, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and the option of apple or pumpkin pie. Vanderbilt Catering prepared the meal.

Students dined on traditional Thanksgiving food provided by Vanderbilt Catering. (Susan Urmy/Vanderbilt)
Students dine on traditional Thanksgiving food provided by Vanderbilt Catering. (Susan Urmy/Vanderbilt)

Following the dinner, students lined up to talk to and take pictures with Zeppos. The chancellor also invited students to share what they were thankful for on Post-its and place their notes of gratitude on a large board in the ballroom. Student responses for what they were grateful for included friends, family, roommates, their communities at Vanderbilt and various campus services, such as Vanderbilt Campus Dining.

Students shared what they were thankful for on post-its. (Vanderbilt)
Students shared what they were thankful for on Post-its. (Vanderbilt)