Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 6, for registered voters in Davidson County. Not sure where to vote? Use the Polling Place Finder, view a sample ballot, and find more helpful information on the Davidson County Election Commission website.
If you registered in Tennessee by mail and are voting for the first time in Davidson County, you will need to show a federal or Tennessee state photo ID. Your valid U.S. passport or Tennessee-issued ID qualify as sufficient ID, but a driver’s license from another state does not.
If your photo ID is expired, then you will need to show your proof of residency in Tennessee in addition to said photo ID. Please contact the Office of Housing and Residential Education to request a confirmation of residency letter on university letterhead. The letter of residency should list your specific residence hall and the physical address of your residence hall (not your PMB number).
Where to vote:
Please note that the Vanderbilt University campus reaches across two districts, and voters should verify their polling place in advance. Check with your local election commission or on the OACS website to determine where in Nashville you should cast your ballot if you are registered to vote in Davidson County.
Most students registered with an address on The Martha Rivers Ingram Commons will vote on Election Day at Murrell School (1450 14th Ave. S.).
Most students registered with an address on main campus will vote on Election Day at Eakin School (2500 Fairfax Ave.).