Download VandySafe, upgraded safety app from VUPD

SafeVU has been upgraded and renamed VandySafe.

The safety app launched by Vanderbilt University Public Safety will have many of the same features as the previous SafeVU app, such as emergency calling, reporting, services and guides, but will include new features and improved aesthetics, making it more user friendly.

Users of VandySafe can:

  • Contact VUPD via phone call or real-time chat
  • Submit an iReport
  • Trigger a mobile BlueLight and shares your location instantly with VUPD
  • Virtual Walkhome – VUPD Dispatch can monitor your walk home, to your car or office
  • Share your location with a friend
  • Support resources, such as Facilities and EAP
  • Emergency guides

Steps to take:

  1. Users of the previous SafeVU app prior to June 30 will need to delete the app and download VandySafe from the Apple or Google Play store.
  2. New users can download VandySafe from the Apple or Google Play store.

Questions? Email Jessamyn Davis with the Office of Emergency Preparedness.