As Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center continue to restructure into distinct entities, many shared technical systems must be reconfigured. One such system is shared identity management, known as AccessVU. Beginning June 25, Vanderbilt University will move to a new identity management tool called VU Identity. The Medical Center will continue to use the existing AccessVU.
AccessVU, or identity management, is the tool set the university and Medical Center currently use to create and distribute identities to the thousands of users on the network, and specifically refers to users’ VUnetIDs and ePasswords. While the tool is widely used by Vanderbilt IT support teams, most users rarely interact with the system and typically only use it when changing their password.
What this means
The majority of users on campus should not notice any changes during this time frame. Passwords set to expire during June are being extended so users can continue working as normal. If a user forgets their password and cannot log in to systems they work in, they will not be able to reset their password on their own. Passwords will need to be changed during this period by requesting help from a local support provider or contacting the VUIT Help Desk at 615-343-9999
Due to the many changes needed for the new VU Identity to go live at the university, there will be a blackout period June 19–24 on all functionality related to AccessVU.
VUnet Services Administrators (VSAs) and other support users will not be able to use the tool while AccessVU is transitioned from VU to VUMC. During this time, changes can be made as emergency changes only through “workaround” procedures.
The VU and VUMC Identity teams ask that if you have any work planned in AccessVU during the blackout period (June 19–24) to make every effort to address those needs ahead of time and sign out prior to June 19. Doing so will help you avoid any potentially lengthy delays and limited functionality associated with workaround processes.