VUToday: Cybersecurity research and the continuing dog–cat brain debate in weekly roundup of news

The Vanderbilt University Division of Communications publishes “VUToday,” a compilation of Vanderbilt mentions in the media, three times per week. Read a selection of Vanderbilt news stories for the week of April 23.


PBS: Which are smarter, cats or dogs? We asked a scientist

Suzana Herculano-Houzel, associate professor of psychology, discusses her research comparing the intelligence of dogs and cats.

The New York Times: Migrant caravan arrives at U.S. border, but long road awaits

Tristan Call, an anthropology graduate student, is quoted regarding a caravan of Central American migrants seeking political asylum.


Politico: NSA’s new cyber offerings
The National Security Agency announced partnerships with six universities, including Vanderbilt, to conduct cybersecurity research during the next five years.


NPR: Anxiety relief without the high? New studies on CBD, a cannabis extract

Robert Carson, assistant professor of pharmacology, talks about CBD’s potential in treating medical conditions.

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