WHAT: Due to security measures and limited space for former Vice President Joe Biden’s 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 10, appearance for the Chancellor’s Lecture Series at Vanderbilt University, media who plan to attend must RSVP interest by noon Friday, April 6. Outlets will be informed Monday whether they have a slot, based on space and level of interest.
WHERE: Approved media can set up for live shots on Medical Center Drive just off 21st Avenue at the drop-off area near Medical Center North and park marked vehicles in that circle drive.
Approved reporters, photographers and videographers will go through security at a marked entrance to Langford Auditorium on the Eskind Biomedical Library side. All must be in their designated places in the auditorium by 6:15 p.m. There are a limited number of seats, and tickets for those will be issued to approved media on site. Photographers and videographers may stand in a designated area and do not need tickets.
DETAILS: Audio, video and still photography is permitted only for the first 5 minutes after Vice President Biden takes the stage. After that, media may leave at any point or stay for the hour-long program, but audio, video and stills cannot be captured.
RSVPs: Due by noon Friday to Kara Furlong, kara.furlong@vanderbilt.edu or (615) 322-NEWS.
ON-SITE QUESTIONS: Call Princine Lewis, (615) 500-8689 (cell).