Based on input from student leaders and Greek Life staff, project managers for the West End Neighborhood redesign have accelerated the construction timeline for five houses and a community event house, moving up the completion date by a year and a half.
Beautification efforts and updated facilities in the neighborhood are now slated to finish by January 2020, with construction of the first two houses beginning this August. Included in the plan is a new National Panhellenic Council house and a community event space available for all students, aligning with the FutureVU guiding principle of creating more inclusive and accessible spaces on campus.
The design for the West End Neighborhood includes new residential colleges, a beautification project to give the area a parklike feel, and a significant transformation of Greek Row within its existing footprint.
In spring of last year, Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos hosted a town hall where students shared ideas on the possibilities for the redevelopment of the neighborhood. Last fall, a plan for beautifying and reimagining the West End Neighborhood was shared with the Vanderbilt community for input. The goal is to enhance the residential living and learning experience for all students.

University leaders are continuing to work closely with residents and alumni connected to the neighborhood to further develop the plan. Accommodations have been arranged for all residents displaced during the construction process. The specific timeline follows:
- August 2018: Demolition of the Lambda Chi Alpha house, with two new houses built on the site for Zeta Tau Alpha and a community house for the National Panhellenic Council.
- December 2018: Demolition of the Kappa Sigma house, with two new houses built on the site for Delta Kappa Epsilon and Kappa Sigma. Demolition of 208 24th Ave, which is currently used as a multipurpose space for student organizations, will also commence. Plans for this space include a new house for Lambda Chi Alpha and a community event house.
- Summer 2019: Houses for Zeta Tau Alpha and the National Panhellenic Council scheduled for completion.
- January 2020: Houses for Delta Kappa Epsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha and Kappa Sigma as well as the community event house to be completed. Beautification efforts in the neighborhood are anticipated to be complete on Kensington and 24th avenues.