Women’s Center presents workshop on maintaining physical health at work Nov. 30

The Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center concludes its fall schedule of Work-Life Workshops for faculty, staff and graduate students on Thursday, Nov. 30, with “Working Fit: How to Maintain Physical Health at Work,” featuring Katherine Drotos Cuthbert, student well-being coordinator at the Vanderbilt Center for Student Wellbeing.

The workshop will be from noon to 1 p.m. in Sarratt 216/220. Lunch will be provided. Contact womenctr@vanderbilt.edu with any dietary restrictions.

Work-Life Workshops is a lecture-based lunch program that covers a blend of self-care and professional development topics such as navigating organizational politics, mindfulness and stress management, salary negotiation strategies and more.

Contact: Bailey Via, graduate assistant, Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center