VUToday: University concerns about GOP tax plans in weekly roundup of VU news

University News and Communications publishes “VUToday,” a compilation of Vanderbilt mentions in the media, each weekday. Read a selection of Vanderbilt news stories for the week of Nov. 13.

Knoxville News Sentinel: Tennessee colleges and universities concerned about GOP tax plans
Vanderbilt University Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos
is quoted in this story about the responses from Tennessee colleges and universities on the proposed Republican tax plans, which, if passed, could include a tax on the endowments of private colleges and tuition waivers for graduate students.

The New York Times: A big NFL game comes to Mexico City. These guys have it covered
John Vrooman, principal senior lecturer in economics, is quoted.

Reuters: Waiting to conceive after miscarriage may not be needed
Senior study author Digna Velez Edwards, associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology, is quoted.

ABC News: How the impeachment process works
Suzanna Sherry, professor of law, is quoted.

NSF’s Science 360: Top Story: Visual intelligence is not the same as IQ
Research led by Isabel Gauthier, David K. Wilson Professor of Psychology, is featured.

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