VUToday: The genetic gift from Neanderthals in weekly roundup of VU news stories

University News and Communications publishes “VUToday,” a compilation of Vanderbilt mentions in the media, twice weekly. Read a selection of Vanderbilt news stories for the week of Oct. 23.

Science (AAAS): Modern humans lost DNA when they left Africa—but mating with Neanderthals brought some back
According to researchers, when Neanderthals mated with modern humans, they gave back thousands of ancient African gene variants that Eurasians had lost when their ancestors swept out of Africa in small bands. Tony Capra, assistant professor of biological sciences, who led the research that was announced at an annual meeting on genetics, is quoted.

The Washington Post: Opinion: Natural disasters damage victims’ goals and ambitions — which is why disaster relief is so important
Cecilia Hyunjung Mo, assistant professor of political science, is the co-author.

Nashville Post: On the move: 26 October 2017
Vanderbilt University Chancellor Nicholas S. Zeppos was elected vice chair of the Association of American Universities at its semiannual meeting Tuesday in Washington, D.C. Zeppos is quoted.

USA Today: U.S. vaccine panel to discuss waning effectiveness, new shots
The issue of waning vaccine protection is expected to be discussed this week by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. William Schaffner, professor of health policy, is referenced.

Nashville Business Journal: CFO Awards: Brett Sweet (subscription only)
Brett Sweet, vice chancellor for finance, is interviewed regarding his CFO award.

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