SustainVU: Slay energy vampires this Halloween

As little ghosts and ghouls prepare to come out in search of Halloween treats, be sure you don’t have any silent menaces lurking around your office or home tricking you into using extra energy!

Energy vampires are electronic devices that slowly suck energy when they are turned off but still plugged in. They provide no useful function, and waste energy and money. Each device uses only small amounts of electricity individually, but together these devices often are responsible for 10 percent of an average home’s energy bill. These phantom loads add up to a significant energy demand when multiplied across the thousands of students, faculty  and staff on Vanderbilt’s campus each day.

Curious as to whether your electronics are vampires? A good indicator that your electronics are still using electricity is a glowing light that remains on even when you power off the device, or which has standby capability: anything with a constant digital display, laptops, iPads and tablets, computer monitors, lab equipment, TVs, copiers, microwaves, coffee machines and gaming systems. These are all common energy vampire culprits! And don’t forget about those phone and tablet chargers. Check out this online energy calculator from Duke Energy to see how much energy these vampire devices are wasting in your home.

Unplug whatever you’re not using. Use an automatic timer to turn off energy-consuming lights or electronics when you’re away. And plug electronics into a power strip for an easier, quicker way to turn them all off at once.

“Reducing energy vampires at Vanderbilt and in our homes is just one more way we save energy, save money, and reduce our environmental impact,” says Andrea George, director of Vanderbilt’s Sustainability and Environmental Management Office. “Everyone working together to stop energy vampires can make a real difference.”

Slaying these vampires is easy: [rquote]Unplug whatever you’re not using. Use an automatic timer to turn off energy-consuming lights or electronics when you’re away. And plug electronics into a power strip for an easier, quicker way to turn them all off at once.[/rquote]

At the office:

  • Activate hibernate modes on your computer and other office electronics such as copiers, printers and scanners. Turn them off at night when no one is using them, if allowed by your area. (Standby mode on PCs still allows the computer to draw energy.)
  • Plug office equipment into a power strip/surge protector. Shut down the equipment by turning off the power strip at night.
  • Turn off lights when you are not using an area of the office during the day, and definitely turn them off before leaving for long periods of time.

At home:

  • Unplug cellphone, tablet and laptop chargers when not using them. Make sure to take your device off the charger when it is done charging, as the charger will continue to draw power even with your fully charged device attached.
  • Unplug handheld vacuums, power drills and automatic coffee makers, etc., when not in use, or use a power strip.
  • Donate or unplug the DVD player you haven’t used in years, the TV that’s collecting dust in the guestroom, and the empty refrigerator in the garage.

For more information on which appliances draw energy while plugged in, visit the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory website. For more energy saving tips, visit SustainVU’s ThinkOne website.

Contact: Sustainability and Environmental Management Office, (615) 322-9022